Visit for demo reel
Martial Arts - 16 years various disciplines, weapons, focus on screen fighting & falls
Gymnastics - 9 years, floor tumbling, acrobatics & trampolines
Rick Seaman's Motion Picture Driving Super Level I
Body Burns
Hi Falls to 50 feet
Wire work & Ratchet
Basic firearms & squib hits
Well-rounded athlete, strong swimmer, bicycles, basketball, etc.
Basic Acting - studied at NYU Dept. of Drama
Film Production degree from NYU - Produced 2 feature films "TKO" & "Game Over"
5' 9"
167 lbs.
Coat: 42R
Shirt: M
Waist: 32
Inseam: 31
Sleeve: 31
Neck: 16 1/2
Hat: 7 5/8
Shoe; 10
Glove: M
Cell: 646-831-7973
website has reels, pictures, & complete resume